Value pizza snack bake

Value pizza snack bake

Value pizza snack bake

It’s easy to think of pizza as a super food. Not only is it easy to prepare but also it is very customizable. This is also a feature the little one enjoys. It is a fascinating thing to put ingredients together and then cook them. The best part is sampling the work when it leaves the oven.

There are many great pizza recipes. The best of which are basic and simple. Additionally, that is a great feature of the pizza. It’s ability to be a good value to any budget, no matter how big or small. Furthermore, it is customizable.

It is true that the customizable option keeps popping up. That is because every kid likes the same thing, the same way, all the time. And if that were true, parents would not go prematurely grey so fast. From trying to appease the finicky appetite. However, there are plenty of other parent related things to drain the color from the hair.

Value pizza snack bake

For the purpose of this article we are looking at a quick snack that eats like a small meal. As with many of the recipes on this site, this is all about taking value and mixing it with imagination. The ingredients are easy and can be common to most kitchens. For example a leftover package of tortilla wraps. Burrito size or taco size will work.

Ever buy a pack of shredded cheese and use almost half of it in a recipe, then set the remainder in the refrigerator? Have two of those? (cheese has a good shelf life in the fridge) The value pizza snack bake is a good place to use the leftover cheese.

Value pizza snack bake

Next is the need for pizza sauce. Marinara is a workable substitute that is both affordable and common to many working kitchens. For example, an average size can of basic marinara, at the store, is usually under a couple of bucks. Grocery shoppers like myself, will typically add an extra can of marinara and a box of uncooked pasta as a backup meal.

This is the can in the cupboard that will make a great pizza snack. Furthermore, it’s quick, and the little one can do the work of creating the pizza snack they like best. It’s a matter of stacking the ingredients, then cooking to taste. (At least until the cheese is melted)

Snack bake

In our version of the snack, we toasted the tortilla just a bit before adding the sauce. The little one enjoyed this part of the recipe but not as much as scattering the cheese over the top of the pizza snack. There’s no wrong way to do it. Additionally, there is something to snack on while making the snack. Same with the pepperoni smiley face.

The result is a value oriented quick snack that entertains as well as satisfies. The tortilla base is just what was on hand. There are other options. Likewise this is where the imagination comes into play. Things like pita bread, or English muffin bread are excellent examples. Thanks for reading today!

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