A nutrition label cipher for real ingredients
A nutrition label is informational. It is also educational, and it can be a useful guide. One example of this, is a food allergy. For something as serious as a food allergy, the ingredient list is extremely important. It is also a useful tool for parents who are concerned about the nutritional well being of their children.
With this in mind, it is helpful for children to learn more about nutrition labels. Similarly, it is a benefit, if the parent has a basic understanding of nutrition labels. Furthermore, a college degree isn’t needed for interpreting a label. That is for the ingredient list. However, it is beneficial to know about the serving sizes, and how the label presents them. Or how to determine, just what that recommended daily value percentage, actually is.
This article isn’t about learning to read the nutrition label. A quick Google search would be a great way to catch up there. Furthermore, we wanted to compare ingredient labels for things we didn’t want to see in the ingredient list. With the eager help of an almost graduated first grader, this would be fun. And educational. But mostly fun.
A nutrition label cipher for real ingredients
The nutrition label is a reliable benchmark. In the opinion of this article and author. It makes a decent guide for nutrition health, and wellness. Therefore, on this particular day we were trying to avoid the ingredient, high fructose corn syrup. Not sugar. We actually started with the sugar ingredient list. Moreover, this was our benchmark of an honest and simple label.
It is a simple label and of the many we looked at, this one was the easiest one. And very tasty as well. Although it was just a sample. We were saving our appetite for dinner. This was an informational exercise, after all. With this in mind, it was time to check out some of our favorite canned food ingredients. For example, Chef Boyardee Spaghetti, or certain chili brands.
We considered all those a success, because we didn’t find any high fructose corn syrup. However, one great test was still pending. It was a bit nerve wracking, because Instant Quaker Oatmeal Variety packs are a favorite. Especially apples and cinnamon.
Nevertheless, it was time to find out. And as our pictures show, there is no high fructose corn syrup anywhere on the label, or ingredient list. The cheers were jubilant. Furthermore, the oatmeal passed the test. In fact, it was a good time to have a bowl of oatmeal, and reflect on the success of our work.
The real ingredients
With this mission accomplished, we were relieved to have made it through the strange, nutrition label cipher. Additionally, it is a bonus to have the labels for safety, and comparisons. Definitely a positive step in better health and wellness. Thanks for reading.
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