What makes a better breakfast?

What makes a better breakfast?

What’s for breakfast? The first meal of the day and the most important meal of the day! This is when all the best things are on the table, so to speak. There are eggs, scrambled not fried, sausage and bacon. And for the health conscious – sausage or bacon.

Chocolate milk is also on the menu, however it is with Nestle Quik chocolate powder. Next there are pancakes with butter and syrup. That is the true trifecta. It’s a, one isn’t good without the rest, trifecta! (The pancakes, butter and syrup)

What makes a better breakfast?
Photo by Nadin Sh on Pexels.com

This is a good time to think about if all this breakfast is actually a better breakfast. In reality the time to think about the quality of the breakfast was truly before preparation. However, it is something to think about as the meal is devoured.

Better Breakfast

There are many self help websites with an abundance of information on food. Some might mention that too many eggs can affect the health adversely. Still others will have a lot of info on why the sausage and bacon and country fried steak are a bad idea.

I understand about the bacon, but to discount the biscuits and gravy was a little rough. Furthermore waffles are the only good side dish for fried potatoes. Yes, there must be fresh onions diced in the crispy fried potatoes.

These are some of the items that can make up a traditional American breakfast. What makes it a better for me, is that it has a lot of the things I enjoy eating. However, there are some differing opinions.

For example if I search Google for, “What is an actually healthy breakfast”, I get these results, among many others ~”plain yogurt, fruit, and nuts. oatmeal, fruit, nuts. whole wheat or rye toast with nut butter. black beans and tortilla (corn or whole wheat)”


There is quite a difference between the two breakfast ideas. Furthermore, the Googled idea will get more green check marks in the healthy column! There are a lot of healthy eating ideas online, as well as entire healthy menus.

As always it’s a good idea to speak with a doc before altering diets and such. Fair warning though, the doc is likely to side with Google!

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